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Noise Model MCMC Sampling

All parameters in the noise model have full conditionals which can be sampled from. Hence for all noise parameters we employ Gibbs sampling. See (22) or (20) for an introduction to Gibbs sampling. In deriving some of the full conditional distributions, expressions of the following type are often obtained:

$\displaystyle p(\theta\vert A,B) \propto \exp\{-\frac{1}{2}[\theta^2 A - 2\theta B]\}$ (28)

where $ \theta$ is the parameter whose full conditional we are deriving and $ A$ and $ B$ are functions of the other parameters in the model. This can be expressed as a Normal distribution by completing the square to give:

$\displaystyle \theta\vert A,B \sim N(B/A,1/A)$ (29)

The full conditions for the noise parameters are as follows.
