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Global Search

To estimate the final transformation sufficiently accurately, a brute-force search of the transformation space is infeasible, even for rigid-body transformations. However, at the lowest resolution (8mm scale) only the gross image features still exist and so a coarse search of the cost function at this resolution should reflect the major changes in rotation, translation and global scaling, allowing large mis-registrations to be avoided. Speed remains an issue, even for coarse searches at low resolution. Therefore, the search is restricted to the rotation parameters, as these are the most difficult to find and are the cause of many large mis-registrations. Furthermore, the search is divided into three stages:
  1. a coarse search over the rotation parameters with a full local optimisation of translation and global scale for each rotation tried;
  2. a finer search over rotation parameters, but with only a single cost function evaluation at each rotation (for efficiency);
  3. a full local optimisation (rotation, translation and global scale) for each local minimum detected from the previous stage.
The first of these stages is straightforward. Given a set of rotations to try (by default we use $ 60^\circ$ increments in each of the Euler angles, leading to $ 6^3 = 216$ different rotations), the local optimisation routine is called for the translation and global scale only. That is, the rotation is left fixed, and the best translation and global scale for this particular rotation is found. These results are then stored for use in the later stages. The second stage takes a larger set of rotations (by default we use $ 18^\circ$ degree increments, leading to $ 20^3 = 8000$ different rotations) but only evaluates the cost function once for each rotation. This contrasts with the previous stage where the cost function is typically evaluated between 10 and 30 times during the local optimisation. However, in order for the evaluation to be a reasonable estimate of the best cost function with this rotation, the translation and global scale parameters must be close to the optimal values. These parameter values are supplied from the results of the previous stage, with the translation parameters determined by interpolating between the stored translation values. Global scale is fixed at the median global scale value over all the stored values. This is done differently from the translation as the scale should not vary greatly with rotation, whereas the translation is highly coupled with the rotation values. Finally, the third stage applies a full local optimisation, allowing rotation to vary, at each local minimum detected from the results of the previous stage. These local minima are defined as rotations where the cost value found is less than for any of the ``neighbouring'' rotation values. There are often several such local minima, and rather than force the selection of the best one at this stage, they are all optimised and passed onto the higher resolution stages. Although it is unlikely that the first stage in this process will get very close to the correct rotation, the second stage should get close enough for the local optimisation in the last stage to give a good estimate. Note that in most registration methods there is no equivalent of this search and a single local optimisation is performed with the starting point being no rotation, no translation and unity scaling (the identity transformation). As this method examines many more possible starting transformations, cannot do any worse than these simple methods.
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Peter Bannister 2002-05-03