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Signal Modelling

We now turn our attention to the modelling of $ r_{it}$ in equation 1. Typically, the experimenter has knowledge of the timing of stimuli during the experiment and it is this, along with a model of the BOLD response, that can be used in a model-based approach. The approach taken in this work is to separate out the height of the response, $ a_i$, by the normalisation of the assumed response $ s_t \otimes
h(t;\vec{\lambda_i})$. We also use a linear, time-invariant model:

$\displaystyle r_{it} = a_i(s_t \otimes h(t;\vec{\lambda_{i}}))/std(s_t
 \otimes h(t;\vec{\lambda_{i}}))$ (19)

where $ \otimes$ represents convolution, $ h(t;\vec{\lambda_{i}})$ is the parameterised impulse response function, or haemodynamic response function (HRF). The choice of models for the HRF $ h(t;\vec{\lambda_i})$ and for the response size $ a_i$ is now addressed.
