Nature Neuroscience UKB Brain Imaging Resource paper

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Below are online materials relating to the journal paper announcing the brain imaging resource:
Multimodal population brain imaging in the UK Biobank prospective epidemiological study.
K.L. Miller, F. Alfaro-Almagro, N. Bangerter, D.L. Thomas, E. Yacoub, J. Xu, A.J. Bartsch, S. Jbabdi, S.N. Sotiropoulos, J.L.R. Andersson, L. Griffanti, G. Douaud, T.W. Okell, P. Weale, I. Dragonu, S. Garratt, S. Hudson, R. Collins, M. Jenkinson, P.M. Matthews, S.M. Smith.
Nature Neuroscience, 19(11):1523-1536, 2016.

List of IDPs and QC measures. In addition to these listed measures, the set of IDPs also includes: Low-dimensional rfMRI component (node) amplitudes (21 amplitudes); High-dimensional rfMRI component (node) amplitudes (55 amplitudes); Low-dimensional rfMRI network matrices (210 functional edge strengths); High-dimensional rfMRI network matrices (1485 functional edge strengths). Total: 2501 IDPs.

Matlab code for IDP processing, resulting in these univariate and multivariate assocations (Matlab workspace format) between IDPs and non-brain-imaging measures. The first 18 items in the IDP/QC list above are the ID/QC meeasures; hence, to index the univariate and multivariate results into the IDP names, these relate to items 19 onwards.