... Model1
more correctly referred to simply as 'linear model'
... paradigm2
choosing components based on correlation or shared peak frequency response with an assumed evoked haemodynamic response function often appears to work well for simple block paradigms like the one here; for more complicated paradigms choosing activation maps becomes a much harder challenge
... level.3
Strictly speaking these will be $ T$- distributed, not normal.
... 'activation'4
where in this case 'activation' is to be understood as 'cannot be explained as random correlation coefficient to the associated time course'
... runs5
The ICA decomposition begins with a random unmixing matrix and therefore does not necessarily give the same decomposition every time.
... Theory6
We here compare PICA results against results obtained from the GLM with GRF-based inference. Cluster-based thresholding appears to be generally accepted as the method of choice in the case of reasonably sized and well-localised activation patterns like the ones used in this example.
... dimensionality7
where the ROC analysis is performed on the spatial map with highest temporal correlation between the true and estimated time courses