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Correspondence analysis of a two-way contingency table with cells $n_{ij}, \quad i=1\cdots I,
\quad j=1\cdots J$ can be described as follows. The usual notations are:

\begin{displaymath}n_{i.}=\sum_j n_{ij},
\quad n_{.j}=\sum_i n_{ij}, \quad n_{..}=N=\sum_{ij} n_{ij}\end{displaymath}

and then the observed proportions are defined as $ p_{ij}=n_{ij}/N$. Diagonal metrics containing vector margins $P_{I.}={}^t(\cdots
p_i.\cdots)$ and $P_{.J}$ used thereafter are noted $D_I$ and $D_J$. Correspondence analysis provides a decomposition of the measure of lack of independence between the two categorical variables indexed respectively by $i$ and $j$ in performing the PCA (or generalised PCA) of the following triple ([5]):
(D_I^{-1}PD_J^{-1}\quad -{\it 1}\!\!I_{IJ}, \quad D_I, \quad D_J)
\end{displaymath} (21)

where the triple is defined as ( data, metric on $I\!\!R^I$, metric on $I\!\!R^J$). The measure of lack of independence can be written :
....}p_{.j}(\frac{p_{ij}}{ p_{i.}p_{.j}} -1)^2=\sum_s \sigma_s^2
\end{displaymath} (22)

where the $\sigma_s $ are the singular values of the PCA of the triple given above. From the data reconstruction formula, one can write for $r\leqslant min(I-1,J-1)$:
\end{displaymath} (23)

or equivalently in a tensor form:
\begin{displaymath}D_I^{-1}\widehat{P}D_J^{-1}\quad ={\it 1}\!\!I_{IJ}+
...otimes\varphi_s =\sum_{s=0}^r\sigma_s\psi_s\otimes\varphi_s
\end{displaymath} (24)

where $\sigma_0=1$, $\psi_0={\it 1}\!\!I_I$, and $\varphi_0={\it 1}\!\!I_J$. If $r= min(I-1,J-1)$ the approximation is exact i.e. $\widehat{P}$ is $P$. From equation (24) and $\sum_{ij} p_{ij}=1$ (which implies the solution $s=0$) it is possible to perform the PCA of the triple:
(D_I^{-1}PD_J^{-1}, \quad D_I, \quad D_J) \mbox{ or in tensor form } ((D_I^{-1}\otimes D_J^{-1})P,
\quad D_I, \quad D_J).
\end{displaymath} (25)

This last equation generalised for $k > 2$ enables to look at lack of marginal independence through associated solutions of the first Principal Tensor ([10]).
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Didier Leibovici 2001-09-04