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In practice the smoothness is estimated using the following steps:

  1. Normalise the 4D residuals, $R_t(\ensuremath{\mathbf{x}}) \rightarrow S_t(\ensuremath{\mathbf{x}})$, using equation 37.
  2. Calculate the derivative approximation $S_t'(\ensuremath{\mathbf{x}})$ at all 4D samples using equation 40.
  3. Calculate the 4D average statistic $\lambda_{jj}$ using equation 39.
  4. Accumulate the results of $\lambda_{jk}$ into a matrix (assuming non-diagonal elements are zero):
\Lambda = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}
... & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \frac{1}{2{\sigma_z}^2}
\end{array} \right)
\end{displaymath} (41)

  5. Optional: Calculate the filter width matrix $W = (2\Lambda)^{-1}$ and the FWHM values as $\mathrm{FWHM}_j = \sqrt{8 \ln(2) W_{jj}}$.

Mark Jenkinson 2001-11-07