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Results - signal

Figure 9 shows the activation maps for the different stimuli from the different datasets. The maps are actually the mean of the marginal posterior distribution of $ a_i$, thresholded to only show those voxels with probability $ >99.9\%$ that $ a_i>0$. Unsurprisingly, the most efficient stimulus type, the boxcar, produces the strongest activation, and the least efficient stimulus type, the jittered single-event, the weakest activation. Indeed, the audio stimulus of the jittered single-event dataset produces no voxels which pass the threshold used. However, due to the strength of the pain stimulation, there is a good response for that stimulus. For the boxcar audio-visual stimulus we also performed a standard generalised least squares (GLS) analysis for comparison. The GLS analysis was performed using FSL (19). The preprocessing was the same as for the Bayesian analysis. FSL (19) performs voxel-wise time-series statistical analysis using local autocorrelation estimation used to prewhiten the data (43). For each of the stimuli the assumed response was modelled as a fixed Gamma HRF (with mean 6 seconds and standard deviation 3 secs) convolved with the stimulus. A temporal derivative of the assumed response was also included. The resulting z-statistic parametric maps were then thresholded at $ p=0.01$ to compare with the threshold of $ p>0.99$ for the Bayesian analysis.
Figure: Autoregressive parameters from the [left] boxcar audio-visual dataset. [middle] jittered single-event pain-audio dataset. [right] randomised single-event visual-visual dataset. [top]Four EPI slices.[middle]The first order temporal autoregressive coefficient $ \bar{\alpha}_{i1}$ obtained, where $ \bar{\alpha}_{i1}$ is the mean of the marginal posterior of $ \alpha _{i1}$.[bottom]The average spatial autoregressive coefficient $ \sum_{j\in {\cal N}_i} \bar{\beta}_{ij}/\sum_{j\in
{\cal N}_i} 1$, where $ \bar{\beta}_{ij}$ is the mean of the marginal posterior of $ \beta _{ij}$.
Figure: Maps of $ \bar{a_i}$ (the mean of the posterior of $ a_i$) for voxels with probability $ >99.9\%$ that $ a_i>0$. The z-statistics resulting from a generalised least squares analysis (thresholded at $ p=0.01$) is shown for comparison for the boxcar dataset.
As with the Bayesian analysis no multiple correction is carried out, although it is worth noting that with the Bayesian approach we do have the joint multivariate marginal posterior distribution for the spatial map of $ \alpha$ to perform inference over, thereby avoiding multiple comparison issues. However, full inference of activation incorporating these issues, alongside spatial modelling of the activation height, is beyond the scope of this paper and will be addressed in future work. Figure 10 shows the response fits at strongly activating voxels. The fit corresponds to the marginal posterior mean of activation height and HRF parameters. Figure 10 also shows evenly spread samples from the marginal posterior distribution of the HRF at the same strongly activating voxels. The shapes of the HRFs are similar between conditions of the same design type (e.g. between the visual and audio boxcar), but quite different between the design types (e.g. between boxcar and single-event). The boxcar designs have much quicker and more peaked responses. This is confirmed for all voxels passing the threshold in the histogram of mean posterior time to peak ($ m_1+m_2$) shown in figure 11. It is important to appreciate that in the case of the boxcar, the linearity assumption (of convolving the HRF with the stimulus to give the response) is incorrect, there will be nonlinearities present between the underlying neural activity/stimulation and the BOLD response (17). However, for modelling simplicity it is usual to proceed with that assumption, but it should then be not surprising that the HRF looks considerably different to the single-event HRFs. Furthermore, the boxcar design has far fewer transitions than the single-event designs and hence less chances to estimate rise and fall characteristics of the HRF. Figure 11 shows histograms of mean posterior time to peak ($ m_1+m_2$) for all voxels passing the threshold for the different datasets. The mode of the mean posterior time ($ m_1+m_2$) to peak is about 5 seconds for the boxcar and randomised single-event designs, and about 8 seconds for the jittered single-event design. Figure 12 shows the scatter plots of the mean of the posterior time to peak ($ m_1+m_2$) versus the activation height, $ a_i$, for the voxels which are considered as activating. For the boxcar visual or boxcar auditory stimuli, there is an apparent negative correlation between these two parameters, with large activation corresponding to short delays and vice versa. For the voxels which are considered as activating under the single-event stimuli this negative correlation between these two parameters is less clear, although there is still a suggestion of some negative correlation between them particularly for the randomised single-event stimuli. We will discuss this later in the paper. There is little evidence of a post-undershoot in figure 10, except perhaps for the randomised ISI stimuli, and there is absolutely no evidence of an initial dip for any of the stimuli. This is confirmed for all voxels passing the threshold in the histograms of the initial dip, $ c_1$, and the post-undershoot, $ c_2$, for all datasets shown in figure 13. The ARD prior on the initial dip, and post-stimulus undershoot will force them to zero if there is insufficient evidence for them in the data. It is important to appreciate that this does not necessarily mean that they are not actually present, just that there is insufficient evidence for them in the data when using a voxel-wise signal model. Of the three stimulation types, the randomised ISI design gives us the most information to estimate the HRF shape. This is because it provides us with the most transitions between rest and stimulation. Hence, it is perhaps not surprising that there is only evidence for the undershoot in this case. The ability of the randomised ISI to give us better HRF estimation is also illustrated by the tightness of the samples from the posterior HRF. Any of the samples of the HRF posterior in figure10 can be compared with the samples from the prior HRF in figure 1(b), to show that the introduction of the data decreases the uncertainty in the HRF parameters between the prior and the posterior. This is Bayesian learning.
Figure 10: Posterior HRF for a strongly activating voxel in each of the datasets. [left] Mean posterior fit (high-pass filtered data as a broken line, response fit as a solid line). [right] 11 evenly spread samples from the posterior of the HRF. The posterior mean HRF is plotted along with different HRFs each of which have one parameter varying at the $ \pm 85^{th}$ percentile of the posterior, with the other parameters held at the mean posterior values.
Figure 11: For the voxels which are considered as activating for each of the datasets: [left] Histogram of the posterior mean of the time to peak, $ m_1+m_2$. [right] Histogram of the posterior standard deviation of the time to peak, $ m_1+m_2$.
Figure 12: For the voxels which are considered as activating for each of the datasets: [left] Scatter plot of the posterior mean of the time to peak, $ m_1+m_2$, versus the posterior mean activation height, $ a_i$ [right] Spatial map of the time to peak, $ m_1+m_2$.
Figure 13: (a) Histogram of the posterior mean of the HRF characteristic (a) $ c_1$ (initial dip), and (b) $ c_2$ (post-stimulus undershoot) for the voxels which are considered as activating from all datasets.
(a) & (b) \\

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