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Some sample plots of the similarity functions $ F_0$, $ F_1$ and $ F_2$ are shown in figure 4. These show the functions over a relatively large range of translations, and demonstrate two important features: that the secondary (incorrect) peak is downweighted in $ F_0$, reducing the chances large mis-matches; and in the close-up results, the improved continuity of the similarity functions (which is smoother and has less discontinuities for $ F_0$).

Figure 4: Example similarity functions for $ F_0$ (left), $ F_1$ (middle) and $ F_2$ (right). The top row shows the functions over a large range of translations, the second and third rows show a close-up of the functions, with the actual calculated values represented by circles. The true translation value is -10.2mm for all of these plots.
\includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}   \includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}   \includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}
\includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}   \includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}   \includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}
\includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}   \includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}   \includegraphics[width=\figwidth]{}

Table 1 shows the values of $ M_R$ and $ M_A$ for 3 different SNR values and 2000 trials in each case. The low values of $ M_R$ for $ F_0$ are a result of the downweighting of the secondary maxima, significantly reducing bad mismatches. Also, $ F_0$ was the most accurate (having the smallest value of $ M_A$) which is likely to be due to the decrease in discontinuities in $ F_0$.

Table 1: Results of robustness and accuracy measures for a simple object (see figure 3b) and a range of SNR values, for each of the three cost functions. $ \Delta = 2$mm.
  SNR = 5 SNR = 15 SNR = 50
$ F_0$  MR = 0.194  MA = 0.71  MR = 0.065  MA = 0.26  MR = 0.000  MA = 0.20
$ F_1$  MR = 1.000 -  MR = 0.909  MA = 0.35  MR = 0.807  MA = 0.97
$ F_2$  MR = 0.516  MA = 0.86  MR = 0.494  MA = 0.48  MR = 0.129  MA = 0.54

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