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Figure 2 show boxplots of the difference in z-statistics between those obtained from a long MCMC chain of 200,000 samples and those obtained from the different inference approaches considered. The intention is to consider the inference from a very long MCMC time series as a ``gold standard''. To help validate this assumption the first boxplot (labelled [MCMC]) compares this ``gold standard'' inference with another equally long MCMC chain but with a different random seed. This allows us to assess the inaccuracies in the ``gold standard'' due to the finite length of the MCMC chain. In all four datasets the difference in z-statistics for this is of the order of $ 0.01$.

The second boxplot (labelled [BIDET]) compares our ``gold standard'' to the inference obtained when we fit the non-central multivariate t-distribution to the long MCMC chain with a different random seed. This allows us to validate one of the strongest assumptions that we make in this paper. That is that the marginal posterior in equations 14 are a non-central multivariate t-distribution. This is crucial to the idea of being able to split hierarchies into inference on different levels. By making this distributional assumption it also allows us to infer on shorter MCMC chains, and gives us some basis for the fast approximation approach. This assumption is well supported by these [BIDET] boxplots with the difference in z-statistics being of the order of $ 0.01$ for all four datasets.

Figure 2 also shows boxplots for the fast approximation approaches. We show boxplots for the upper bound (labelled [UPPER]) and lower bound (labelled [LOWER]). Of particular interest is how good these bounds are at actually bounding the ``gold standard'' [MCMC]. Hence, a third boxplot (labelled [BOUND]) shows the how far outside the bound the ``gold standard'' is. This shows a z-statistic difference of up to $ 0.2$ for dataset 2. This z-statistic difference of up to $ 0.2$ between the fast approximation bounds and the [MCMC] ``gold standard'' will be used later as part of the [HYBRID] inference approach (see section 7.1.1).

The final boxplot shows the traditional inference approach of ignoring the known fixed effects variance estimating the total mixed effects variance, and using OLS to perform inference (labelled [OLS]). Because this ignores the fixed effects variance this makes this approach the ``gold standard'' for Dataset 1, in which $ \sigma_{\beta_k}^2\approx 0$. Indeed this is supported by the boxplot. However, for Datasets 2 and 3, $ \sigma_{\beta_k}^2>
0$ and varies over $ k$. For these datasets OLS will give unbiased statistics, but very inefficient statistics as the $ \sigma_{\beta_k}^2$ information is ignored. These boxplots illustrate the difference in z-statistics between OLS and the ``gold standard'' due to this inefficiency. In Dataset 4, $ \sigma_{\beta_k}^2$ is sufficiently small compared to $ \sigma _g^2$ so that the differences between [OLS] and [MCMC] are negligible.

Figure 3 shows the z-statistics obtained for 20 voxels from the 3 Datasets for the inference approaches of [UPPER],[LOWER],[BIDET], and [OLS]. For Dataset 1 the correspondance of [OLS], [LOWER] and [BIDET] is reiterated. For Datasets 2 and 3 the difference between [BIDET] and [OLS] is illustrated, as is the small inaccuracy of the [UPPER] and [LOWER] fast approximation approaches compared with [BIDET].

Figure 4 shows the histograms for the four different datasets of the degrees of freedom (DOF) obtained at each voxel from fitting the non-central t-distribution to an MCMC chain of 200,000 samples from the marginal posterior, $ p(c^T\beta_g\vert Y)$, as part of [BIDET]. For Dataset 1, we know that the OLS solution is the correct one and that the DOF, $ \nu=7$. In In Dataset 4 $ \sigma_{\beta_k}$ is sufficiently small compared to $ \sigma_g$ so that the differences between [OLS] and [MCMC] are negligible and the range of DOF match those found in Dataset 1. Figure 4 shows that [BIDET] correctly finds the DOF as being $ 7$ for the majority of voxels in Dataset 1. However, for Datasets 2 and 3 the OLS DOF will be $ \nu=7$ and $ \nu=4$ respectively. We should not expect [BIDET] to have the same DOF values as this. Indeed the histograms show that the DOF obtained from [BIDET] varies from about these OLS DOF values to values up to about $ 60$ or $ 70$ DOF. Without using [BIDET] there would be no way of knowing, for a particular voxel, the required DOF.

Figure 5 shows boxplots of the difference in z-statistics between those obtained from a long MCMC chain of 200,000 samples and those obtained from using [BIDET] on MCMC chains of varying sample sizes. This illustrates the need for an MCMC chain of at least 20,000 samples to achieve accuracies of the order of $ 0.02$ in z-statistics.

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