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Non-spatial without Class Proportions

We are going to approximate the distribution in equation 3 by replacing the discrete labels, $ x_i$, with $ K \times 1$ continuous weights vectors, $ \vec{w_{i}}$:

$\displaystyle p(\vec{w},\vec{\theta}\vert y) \propto \prod_i^N \sum_{k=1}^K \{w_{ik}p(y_i\vert x_i=k,\theta_k)\}p(\vec{w})p(\vec{\theta})$ (9)

where $ \vec{w}= \{ \vec{w_i}:i=1\ldots N$ } and $ \vec{w_i}=\{w_{ik}:k=1\ldots K\}$ is the continuous weights vector at voxel $ i$. Equation 9 only approximates equation 3 if we apply certain constraints to the continuous weights vectors. If we choose a prior on the continuous weights vector, $ \vec{w_i}$, with the constraints that $ 0<w_{ik}<1$ and $ \sum_k w_{ik}=1$, then as $ p(\vec{w_i})$ tends to delta functions at $ w_{ik}=0$ and $ w_{ik}=1$, then equation 9 will tend to equation 3. Therefore, to apply these constraints the prior we use is:
$\displaystyle p(\vec{w})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle p(\vec{w}\vert\vec{\tilde{w}},\gamma)p(\vec{\tilde{w}})$ (10)

$\displaystyle p(\vec{\tilde{w}})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \prod_{ik}^N p(\vec{\tilde{w}}_{ik})$  
$\displaystyle p(\vec{\tilde{w}}_{ik})$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle Uniform(\vec{\tilde{w}_{ik}};-\infty,+\infty)$ (11)

and $ p(\vec{w}\vert\vec{\tilde{w}},\gamma) = \prod_{i}
p(\vec{w_i}\vert\vec{\tilde{w}_i},\gamma)$, where crucially $ p(\vec{w_i}\vert\vec{\tilde{w}_i},\gamma)$ is a deterministic relationship by which $ \vec{w_i}$ and $ \vec{\tilde{w}_i}$ are related by the logistic transform:

$\displaystyle w_{ik}=\frac{\exp(\tilde{w}_{ik}/ \gamma)}{\sum_{k=1}^K \exp(\tilde{w}_{ik}/ \gamma))}$ (12)

The normalising constant in the logistic transform $ {\sum_{k=1}^K
exp(\tilde{w}_{ik}/ \gamma)}$ ensures that the condition $ {\sum_{k=1}^K w_{ik}=1}$ is met. This expression also ensures that $ \tilde{w}_{ik}>\tilde{w}_{jk}$, if and only if $ w_{ik}>w_{ij}$. Figure 1 shows how the logistic transform produces an approximation to the delta functions as $ \gamma $ gets smaller. We fix the value of $ \gamma $ to 0.05 whilst bounding $ -10 < \tilde{w}_{ik} < 10$, this ensures that we get the desired approximation to delta functions at 0 and 1, whilst ensuring that we can compute $ exp(\tilde{w}_{ik}/
\gamma)$ without causing overflow.

To summarise, we now have two vectors of continuous weights at each voxel, $ {w}_{ik}$ and $ \tilde{w}_{ik}$. $ \tilde{w}_{ik}$ are weights which have a prior on them which is uniform on the real line. We then use the logistic transform to deterministically map the weights $ \tilde{w}_{ik}$ to $ {w}_{ik}$ at each voxel. Then, $ {w}_{ik}$ are the continuous weights which represent approximations to the discrete labels with delta functions at 0 and 1.

Figure 1: Consider that we have the number of classes as $ K=2$. [top] shows samples from the prior of $ \tilde{w}_{i1}$, $ \tilde{w}_{i1} \sim Uniform(-10,10)$ (samples from $ \tilde{w}_{i2}$ are similar). [bottom] shows the samples from $ w_{i1}$ ($ w_{i2}$ is similar), which the samples from the prior of $ \tilde{w}_{i1}$ and $ \tilde{w}_{i2}$ transform to under the logistic transform with different values of $ \gamma $ (equation 12). Hence, it can be seen how this produces a prior for $ \vec{w_i}$, which approximates the desired delta functions at 0 and $ 1$ as $ \gamma $ gets smaller.

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