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Random subject effect

Firstly, notice that the random subject effect model could use this same model with a covariance structure (block-diagonal) which would need to be estimated in the first place. One would get a EGLS but this model cannot be used to estimate the covariance matrix (this is because writing this model as a mixed model makes $\beta$ random and fixed at the same time). One has to rewrite the model, for example with the form:

\left ( \begin{array}{c }
y_1 \\
y_2 \\
...silon'_2 \\
\end{array} \right )
\end{displaymath} (35)


\begin{displaymath}y=(1_n \otimes X) \beta +(I\!d_n \otimes 1_T) \gamma +\epsilon'\end{displaymath}

where $Z=(I\!d_n \otimes
1_T)$ identifying the subjects (dummy variables)26 , with also $E(\gamma)=0$ and $var(\gamma)= G$ as random effects. One can easily see that OLS gives $\hat{\beta}=\overline{\hat{\beta_{{(i)}}}}_{[1..n]}$. Depending on the structure of covariance chosen an estimate will be found directly ($e.g.$ with compound symmetry) or algorithmically (for general REML estimation). For the random analysis with simple compound symmetry (i.e. with $var(y)=var(\epsilon')+ZG{\;}^tZ=\sigma_\epsilon^2I\!d_{nT} + \sigma_s^2I\!d_n\otimes
J_T=I\!d_n\otimes(\sigma_\epsilon^2I\!d_T+\sigma_s^2J_T)$, where $\sigma_\epsilon^2$ is the scan-to-scan variation, supposed to be the same for all the subjects, and $\sigma_s^2$ is the random subject variation27 introducing correlations into the errors) then with estimation for $\beta$ as OLS (here equivalent to GLS) ``ANOVA" estimators (equivalent to REML) can be given by:
\hat{\sigma}_\epsilon^2=MSE={}^tyP_{[1_n \otimes X,I\!d_n \otimes 1_T ]^\bot}y/[n(T-1) -rank(X)+1]
\end{displaymath} (36)

\hat{\sigma}_s^2=\frac{MSs-MSE}{T} \mbox{ where }MSs={}^ty...
... \otimes X,I\!d_n \otimes 1_T
]}-P_{[1_n \otimes X]})y/(n-1)
\end{displaymath} (37)

Our interest here is only on the subject error $\hat{\sigma}_\epsilon^2+(T\hat{\sigma}_s^2)=MSs$ which is the two-stage approach estimation seen before (obviously dividing by $T$ to go on second level).
If all parameters in $X$ are considered as random, making $Z=(I\!d_n \otimes X)$, the estimation can be done in the same way with: $var(y)=var(\epsilon')+ZG{\;}^tZ=I\!d_n\otimes(\sigma_\epsilon^2I\!d_T+\sum_{j=1}^p\sigma_j^2X_j{\;}^tX_j)$ and considering the random parameters independent (non-correlated). Using Hendenson's Method [12,3] 36 and 37 (for each random parameters) become:
\hat{\sigma}_\epsilon^2=MSE={}^tyP_{[1_n \otimes X,I\!d_n \otimes X]^\bot}y/[n(T-rank(X))]
\end{displaymath} (38)

\hat{\sigma}_j^2=\frac{SSs -MSE {\;}(n-1)}{trace((P_{[1_n ...
...otimes X,I\!d_n \otimes X_{(-j)}]}) Id_n \otimes X_j{}^tX_j)}
\end{displaymath} (39)

where $X_{(-j)}$ is $X$ without the column $X_j$ and
SSs={}^ty(P_{[1_n \otimes X,I\!d_n \otimes X]}-P_{[1_n \otimes
X,I\!d_n \otimes X_{(-j)}]})y \nonumber

The error considered for a parameter is similarly $\hat{\sigma}_\epsilon^2+(\theta
\hat{\sigma}_j^2)=SSs/(n-1)=MSs$, with $\theta = trace((P_{[1_n \otimes X,I\!d_n \otimes X]}-P_{[1_n
\otimes X,I\!d_n \otimes X_{(-j)}]}) Id_n \otimes X_j{}^tX_j)/(n-1)$ equal to $T$ under orthogonality of $X_j$'s. For general correlation structure, or one derived from time series analysis, instead of using an REML estimation algorithm, a ``two-stage strategy'' could be to estimate the autocorrelation matrix $C_i$ from every subject's time series, then pool these to give an estimate of the common auto-correlation $C$, to be able to define the covariance structure of the form $V=I\!d_n \otimes \sigma^2_s J_T
+I\!d_n \otimes \sigma_w^2 \hat{C}$, then solve REML (or Henderson's method III [12]) for $\sigma^2_w$ and $\sigma^2_s $. Notice a redundancy in the previous formula as the covariance structure describes at the same time a constant covariance for the same subject ($\sigma^2_s $) and the auto-covariance coming from time series autocorrelation; this suggests a better covariance model of the form $V=\sigma^2I\!d_n \otimes \hat{C}$ which then take subject the variance component off the model (no need of $Z$ as well). At this point, time series methods are used to estimate the $C_i$ in the first place, and robust estimation such as in Woolrich et al.[16] including the non-linear spatial smoothing would improve the result.
Remark: The model (35) without $Z$ could be considered as an intermediary model (Pme) between the fixed model (Fix) ( the model (35) but $var(\epsilon')=\sigma^2I\!d_{nT}$), i.e. $var(\gamma)=0$) and the random subject model (Ran) as it can be shown that the natural estimate of $\sigma^2$ is the pooled error variance of the fixed version ($MSE$ given in (36)) of and random approaches (subject error $MSs$ (37), but because of the $df$ differences between the two approaches this will underestimate the error variance. This method called here``pooling model errors" or Pme may be interesting when too few subjects are in the study : the error variance is going to be larger than for a fixed analysis and the increase of degrees of freedom ($(n-1)$) not too large:
$\displaystyle \mbox{model Pme: } y$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle (1_n \otimes X)\beta + \epsilon_{\mbox{\tiny {Pme}}}$  
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \mathcal{X} \beta +\epsilon_{\mbox{\tiny {Pme}}}$  
$\displaystyle \mbox{model Fix: } y$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle (\mathcal{X} \quad Z )B + \epsilon_{\mbox{\tiny {Fix}}}$  
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle F B + \epsilon_{\mbox{\tiny {Fix}}}$  
$\displaystyle \mbox{model Ran: } y$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \mathcal{X}\beta + Z \gamma +\epsilon_{\mbox{\tiny {Ran}}} \mbox{ and }var(\gamma)\neq 0$  

then from model Fix ,
$\displaystyle df_{\mbox{\tiny {Fix}}}MSE_{\mbox{\tiny {Fix}}}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle {\;}^ty(Id -P_{F} y$  
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle {\;}^ty(Id -P_\mathcal{X} +P_\mathcal{X} -P_{F} y$  
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle df_{\mbox{\tiny {Pme}}}MSE_{\mbox{\tiny {Pme}}} -(n-1)MSs$  

\widehat{\sigma}_{\mbox{\tiny {Pme}}}^2=
...MSE_{\mbox{\tiny {Fix}}}+(n-1)MSs
}{df_{\mbox{\tiny {Pme}}}}
\end{displaymath} (40)

and one can easily check $df_{\mbox{\tiny {Pme}}}=df_{\mbox{\tiny {Fix}}} +(n-1)=nT-rank(X)$.
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Didier Leibovici 2001-03-01